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Cacao seeds

Städtischer Kakao

Visit a cacao plantation
and explore Honduras

Unsere Kakaofarm, die sich im privaten Naturschutzgebiet Hacienda Tara (25-30 Autominuten vom internationalen Flughafen La Mesa entfernt ) befindet, besteht aus über 1800 Kakaobäumen (ca. 1,7 Hektar).  

Ursprünglich wurden die Bäume gepflanzt, um eine der Anforderungen der ICF zu erfüllen, um die private Reserve-Zertifizierung zu erhalten. Die Methode (Sistema agroforestal) und die verwendeten Arten wurden mit Hilfe des FHIA ausgewählt, empfohlen und angewendet.  

Wir bauen derzeit unsere Fermentations- und Trocknungsanlagen, ein Gebäude, in dem wir hoffen, bald Werkstätten einrichten und andere Produkte wie Schokolade aus unseren eigenen Kakaoschoten herstellen zu können.  

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Three different types of clones were selected, based on the recommendation made by the same institution, for their fine flavor and aroma. The farm is more than 5 years old, and in 2022 we had our first official harvest. Before that, the fruit was left mostly for animal consumption.


The first challenge we ran into was knowing the current state of the plantation and understanding its management. Thanks to contacts made in the chocolate world in Honduras and abroad, we are everyday expanding our operation, and learning more about this "food of gods".

We have built our cacao processing building, which we hope will become a chocolate school in the future. Thanks to the collaboration with Chelsea Southart, a US artist, our building has also become the basis of a work, the VeGa Prism. Do you want to know more about this project? Click here!

VeGa prism - Chelsea Southart

Come visit our plantation inside the natural private reserve Hacienda Tara in the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

We offer accommodation, transport airport-our facilities and vice versa, a tour to see our farm, and the opportunity to experience firsthand the cacao post harvesting processes from tree to roasted beans (nibs), in a non-industrial homemade way you can replicate at home.

Our staff will guide you through an amazing experience in a curated, fun, and safe environment.

The tour can be enjoyed by people from different ages.

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